I'm going to have to disagree with my dad on this movie. While I in no way think it a bad movie, I found Button boring and pretty unremarkable. I've liked everything David Fincher has directed up until now and, as a fan of his, it's hard for me to say I didn't like Button.
First off, I will give praise where praise is due. The cast works so well together in this movie. In my opinion, Taraji Henson had the strongest performance and should have won Best Supporting Actress. It's hard to pick out names, though, since everybody did such a fantastic job. I was even impressed with Brad Pitt, who I generally don't care for. (I don't dislike him; I just get tired of his pretty-boy leading-man act.)
The cinematography is beautiful, and it is complimented well by the visual effects. The film has a nice darkness to it that gives character to the film without affecting the mood too much.
Despite the aforementioned prasies, however, I found the story pretty predictable and boring. There were certainly some sweet, funny, and interesting parts of the movie that I enjoyed, but overall I just remember thinking that there were large chunks of the movie that could have been a little more exciting and other parts that could have been cut. I just wish the writer would have tried a little harder to suprise me.
In the end, I think the key to enjoying this movie lay in one's taste. It was too slow and transparent for me, but I can see why others would like it. And even though I didn't really care for it, I would recommend it, because it is worth watching. Again, I hate criticizing a David Fincher movie. I really like the guy and his movies, but Button just didn't do it for me.
painting again
This time trying to paint less from the head and more from the heart. The
middle one is vaguely inspired by Mark Rothko. All still in progress.
6 years ago
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