Tuesday, August 4, 2009

United 93

I really don't know what to say. I think it's safe to say that this is the most powerful film I've seen. The realism is so effective that the whirlwind of emotions I felt on September 11, 2001 returned as if they had never left. I hesitate to even critique it as a film.

Among other things, this movie is very, very tense. It had my heart beating harder and faster than any movie I've seen in the past six years. I was on the edge of my seat from the moment the hijackers prepared to take the plane right up until the moment it crashed. I was on the verge of tears on more than one occasion.

I'm sure there are those who object to the making of this movie, believing it to be cashing in on an American tragedy. I couldn't disagree more. I'm glad this film was made, and I have to give the filmmakers endless props for their achievement. United 93 is history. Decades from now, people will watch this film and have at least a faint understanding of how it felt to be alive on that day.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree -- I had the same experience watching it.
